Material Temperature and Compaction

Material Temperature and Compaction

Material Temperature and Compaction

EZ Street cold asphalt can be applied when air temperatures are between -18 °C and 38 °C; however, EZ Street cold asphalt will be most pliable, workable, and compactable at air temperatures ranging from 10 °C to 32 °C. In the winter months, warming of the EZ Street material prior to application via a “hot box”, heated dump bed, or patching truck is quite acceptable; although, it is imperative that the material temperature does not exceed 50 °C.

To gain optimum performance, EZ Street cold asphalt should be applied and compacted in 2" maximum lifts. A vibratory steel wheel roller will always provide optimum results and performance however, steel wheel or pneumatic rollers, compactor plates, wheel rolling, and hand tamping are also acceptable methods of compaction. Over compaction is rarely an issue.


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